Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day Eighteen

Current weight: 235.6lbs

I am so sore today. I've moved so many rocks and whacked down grass, and thrown around concrete. Yes my basic fitness philosophy is "work it into your day", but this is ridiculous. I'm thinking I should take some measurements now, they may give me some perspective on the numbers if I get stronger before I get smaller.

Day Seventeen

Current weight: 239lbs


Day Sixteen

Current weight: 237.5lbs

It amazes me how fast lost pounds can find their way to my butt and thighs again. I'm hopeful, but know that my body is not the same as it was the first time I lost a significant number of pounds. I'm the mother to three little monsters and feel much older. Why is it so much harder to loose weight than gain it. Why can't inches and pounds creep off, sneaking by your defences, catching you off-guard until one day -- BAM!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Day Fifteen

Current weight: 238.4lbs
Average weight this week: 235lbs
Average weight lost this week: 1.94
Total weight lost: 0lbs

I am really paying for too much junk food on Mother's Day.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Day Thirteen

Current weight: 233.6lbs

Still bummed out by the reality of what I look like naked. I wonder what I look like the the rest of the world. Am I one of those pathetically fat people who waddle, or am I seen as average, a bit chunky. Can I blame my kids, my genetics, or do I fess up and take responsibility for my pathetic pudgy body.

Day Twelve

Current weight: 232.4lbs

I finally bunched up my courage and took a picture. UHG. Talk about a wake up call; I look worse than I thought I did. I'm planing on taking a picture before I shower and building a sort of visual diary at flickr. I am feeling a lot self concious about my body shape though, so until further notice if you want photographic evidence of my bodies transformation, you'll need to open an account and contact me, tell me your story or reason for wanting to see me, and all my fold, in my underwear. Here's the link.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Day Eleven

Current Weight: 234.8lbs

Yeah! Here's hopping was just a bump on the graph. You may have noticed I'm a bit sensitive about that number. Lowering that number. Keeping it below 200lbs, loosing that battle and fighting for years to lower my weight again has been a lifetime battle. I think it started long before I even knew I was FAT. My mother is a rake thin woman who (although she will deny it until she dies) used to write down my weight on a piece of tape and stick it to the scale. She was so upset and disappointed when I gained weight. UHG. I don't think I was even 8 at the time. Funny how these things can affect you for the rest of your life.